

NOW ALSO VIRTUAL PLAYER BY-PROXY GAME. PLAY ON-LINE! The year is 1989. Sally Jane, a regular, is sitting at the bar with high hair and a Zima on the rocks. Zeb, the one-time high school quarterback and current foosball champion, has his his pickup truck in the parking lot, Marlboros rolled into his sleeve, and a Budweiser in his hand. AC/DC is playing on the jukebox and the Snap-On girl smiles from a poster on the wall. Couples dance in tight jeans across a beer-slicked floor. It may be a Wednesday night but spirits are high in this honky-tonk bar. SUDDENLY, Smokie, the bartender shouts a premature, “Last call for alcohol!” much to the surprise and chagrin of the patrons. Why? He cannot find his prized can of vintage Schlitz. Smokie says the doors will remain closed until it is found. Can you find Smokie’s Schlitz and win a one-song dance party for your team? You will enter in through the back door like the Piney’s finest patrons. Then you will need to find your way in.

We welcome requests for custom time frames, especially from players in different time zones. Inquire below.